121 Pregnancy & Postnatal Pilates
New & Existing Mums!
Call/Text Alison on 07966 578216
Even if you had your baby 6 weeks or 6 months ago, you may still benefit from postnatal classes.....Small classes mean more focus is on you as an individual.
Postnatal AND Prenatal LADIES pay £40 for 121 Sessions.
Alison is a qualified, experienced teacher of Pilates and can confidently assist with your specialist requirements.
General Advice about practising Pilates whilst pregnant
It is worth noting that normal Beginners Pilates classes are ideal for pregnant mums up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. However,you should also rest as much as possible during the first trimester, as changing hormones in the body during this time can make you feel exhausted and nauseous. Relaxation techniques are advised to nourish both the body and mind.
During the second trimester
The body is changing, so use any high energy levels to practise Pilates for your physical benefit in the following months.
Classes up until birth
You may be heavy and achy, but use Pilates to help you strengthen the central or 'core' muscles, which will assist with improved posture, circulation and well-being.
- Back-lying poses are a no-go from 12 weeks onwards. Lying supine puts pressure on a major vein called the vena cava, which can lessen blood flow to your brain and uterus; you may wind up dizzy, short of breath or nauseated.
- You should not stay in one position too long.
- Avoid extreme stretching during pregnancy: Pregnancy floods your joints with relaxin, a hormone that is important to help facilitate labor. This causes joint laxity, putting you at greater risk for strains and sprains. The tendons that hold joints together are flexible but not terribly elastic, meaning that once they're overstretched, they don't snap back into shape. You need to be careful of pushing the range of motion of any exercise to the limit, even if you feel fine.
- Your sense of balance is affected. As your baby grows, your center of gravity shifts. You should be extra careful during one legged moves or exercises that require a rapid weight shifts.
- Do not push yourself to fatigue.
- Keep hydrated and stop and rest if you feel breathless, dizzy or light-headed.
Pilates can help you sail through your nine months feeling more mobile, comfortable and help you bounce back sooner after giving birth.
Always check with your doctor to ensure your body is ready for both antenatal/prenatal and postnatal Pilates.
Pilates for Pregnancy
- Can maintain and improve the condition of abdominal muscles
- Can strengthen pelvic floor muscles
- Can relieve strain on joints
- Can build key muscles for rapid recovery
- Can increase energy
- Can decrease anxiety
- Can improve sleep
- Can reduce backache
- Can improve circulation
Postnatal classes after birth
Generally you should be able to return to Pilates six weeks after delivery, or eight to twelve weeks after a Caesarian section.
Always consult your doctor and inform the teacher at the start of the class where you are in your postnatal phase.
- Recover, tone and strengthen your body and mind after birth
- Target problem areas
- Firm-up and strengthen the body's core muscles: create a trimmer and sleeker silhouette
- Create a "girdle of strength" around your middle
- Improve your strength in your back and stomach muscles
- Increase your arm strength to help you cope with all the bending & lifting
- Improve your posture so you will experience less back pain
For all enquiries about appointment times and prices please contact:
Alison Walker
Mobile on 07966 578216